5 Tips To Know If Your Car Is A Lemon In San Diego
If you think your car might be a lemon, here are five things to look for:
- It’s been in the shop for repairs more than once, and the problem still isn’t fixed.
- The same problem keeps coming back after it’s been repaired.
- You’ve had your car for less than a year, and it’s been in the shop for more than 30 days total.
- Your car has so many problems that it’s not safe to drive.
- You’ve tried to talk to the dealer or manufacturer about the problem, but they won’t help.
If any of these things sound familiar, your best bet is to contact a lemon law attorney who can help you figure out if you have a case. Don’t wait too long, though – in most states, and you only have a limited time to file a lemon law claim.
What Does Reported Lemon Mean?
Used cars that are troublesome for some reason and misrepresented to the buyer, resulting in the customer paying much more than the car is actually worth, are referred to as “lemons.”
How Does A Car Buyback Operate?
A buyback, also known as a repurchase, occurs when the automaker agrees to reimburse you for the money you spent on your flawed vehicle. Since they just issue you a check for the full amount of the vehicle, including sales taxes, title registration, and other expenses, buyback is one of the quicker ways to get paid.
Can I Return A Used Automobile For A Full Refund?
The 2015 Consumer Rights Act protects you if a used car you purchased turns out to be defective. This implies that if you return the vehicle to the dealer within 30 days of purchase and can demonstrate that the problem existed at the time of purchase, you are entitled to a full refund.
Give us a call if your vehicle is giving you grief; Scott Law Group P.C. is here to help!
If you think your car might be a lemon, the best thing to do is contact a lemon law attorney. At Scott Law Group P.C., we have years of experience helping people with their lemon law claims. We offer a free consultation so you can find out if you have a case, and we only get paid if we win your case. Contact us at (619) 345-5599 today to learn more.
If you believe you have a lemon, please give the experts of Scott Law Group P.C. a call at (619) 345-5599 for a free California Lemon Law evaluation now.
If you need a professional lemon lawyer for your case, contact us right away!
(619) 345-5599