The Lemon Law: 3 Accurate And Detailed Car Repair Records Help Attorneys Win In San Diego
If you think your car may be a lemon, it’s important to keep accurate and detailed records of all repairs. This will help your attorney build a strong case if you decide to file a lemon law claim.
Your repair records should include:
- The date of each repair
- A description of the problem you were experiencing
- The name and address of the repair facility
- The names of the technicians who worked on your car
- A copy of the repair invoice
Keeping thorough records will make it easier for your attorney to prove that you have been continuously experiencing problems with your car and that you have made a reasonable effort to get the problem fixed. If you are currently keeping repair records, be sure to bring them with you when you meet with your attorney. If you have not been keeping track of your repairs, start doing so as soon as possible.
If you think your car may be a lemon, contact a qualified lemon law attorney in your state to find out if you are eligible for compensation. An experienced attorney will be able to review your case and advise you of the best course of action.
How Long Do I Have In California To Return A Secondhand Car?
If you choose to return the used vehicle, you have two business days to do so by closing time (unless the contract gives you more time). Under the following circumstances, you must return the vehicle: without exceeding the number of miles permitted under the contract.
What Happens If I Can’t Fix My Car?
Your car will be considered a total loss if it cannot be fixed or if the cost of fixing it exceeds its value. When this occurs, you will receive compensation depending on the value of your vehicle, enabling you to resume driving as soon as possible!
Contact Scott Law Group P.C., a qualified lemon law attorney, today if you think your car may be a lemon. Bring all repair records with you to your consultation so your attorney can review them and advise you of the best course of action.
If you believe you have a lemon, please give the experts of Scott Law Group P.C. a call at (619) 345-5599 for a free California Lemon Law evaluation now.
If you need a professional lemon lawyer for your case, contact us right away!
(619) 345-5599